1. A fortiori – “With even stronger reason”, which applies to a situation in which if one thing is true then it can be deduced that a second thing is even more certainly true.
2. A posteriori - Relating to or originating by reasoning from the observation of facts
3. A priori - From what was before
4. Ab extra – From outside
5. Ab incunablis - From infancy
6. Ab initio – From the beginning
7. Ab intra - From within
8. Absoluta sentential expositore non indiget – An absolute judgment needs no expositor
9. Actio personalis moritur cum persona – A personal action dies with the person
10. Actiones legis – Law suits
11. Actori incumbit onus probandi – The burden of proof lies on the plaintiff
12. Actus nemini facit injuriam – The act of the law does no one wrong
13. Actus reus – A guilty deed or act
14. Ad absurdum – To the point of preposterousness
15. Ad eundem – To the same level
16. Ad eundem gradum – To the same degree
17. Ad hoc – For this purpose
18. Ad hominem – Represents an argument made personally against an opponent, rather than a logical argument against an issue
19. Ad idem – Of the same mind
20. Ad infinitum – Forever, without limit
21. Ad locum – At the place
22. Ad nauseam – To a repulsive extent
23. Ad quaestionem facti non respondent judices – The judges do not answer to a question of fact
24. Ad referendum – Subject to reference
25. Ad valorem – By the value e.g. ad valorem tax
26. Addenda – Things to be attached
27. Addendum – A thing to be attached
28. Aedificare in tuo proprio solo non licet quod alteri noceat – It is not lawful to build on one’s own land what may be injurious to another
29. Aequitas legem sequitur – Equity follows the law
30. Aequitas nunquam contravenit legem – Equity never contradicts the law
31. Affidavit – A sworn written statement usable as evidence in court
32. Agenda – Things to be done
33. Alibi – At another place, elsewhere
34. Allegatio contra factum non est admittenda – An allegation contrary to a deed is not to be heard
35. Alter ego – Other “I” or “Other self”
36. Ambiguitas contra stipulatorem est – An ambiguity is most strongly construed against the party using it
37. Amicus curiae – A friend of the Court
38. Amicus omnibus, amicus nemini – A friend to everyone is a friend to none
39. Annus horribilis – A horrible year
40. Annus mirabilis – A fantastic year
41. Ante – Before
42. Ante meridiem – Before noon
43. Arbitrium est judicium – An award is a judgment
44. Assentio mentium – The meeting of minds, i.e. mutual assent
45. Assignatus utitur jure auctoris – An assignee is clothed with rights of his assignor
46. Audi alteram partem – Hear the other side
47. Bona fide – Sincere, in good faith
48. Bona fides – Honest purpose
49. Bona vacantia – Goods without an owner
50. Boni judici est ampliare jurisdictionem – It is the part of a good judge to enlarge his jurisdiction
51. Boni judicis est judicium sine dilation mandare executioni – It is the duty of a good judge to cause execution to issue on a judgment without delay
52. Bonus judex secundum aequum et bonum judicat et aequitatem stricto juri praefert– A good judge decides according to justice and right and prefers equity to strict law
53. Cadit quaestio – The matter admits of no further argument
54. Causa proxima, non remota spectatur – The immediate and not the remote cause is to be considered
55. Caveat emptor – Let the purchaser beware
56. Caveat venditor – Let the seller beware
57. Ceteris paribus – Other things being equal
58. Circa – Around
59. Cogito, ergo sum – I think, therefore I am
60. Compos mentis – Stable, lucid, sane
61. Consensu – Unanimously or, by general consent
62. Consensus ad idem – Agreement as to the same things
63. Contra – To the contrary
64. Contra bonos mores – Against good morals
65. Contra non valentem agere nulla currit praescriptio – No prescription runs against a person not able to act
66. Conventio et modus vincunt legem – A contract and agreement overcome the law
67. Coram non judice – Before one who is not a judge
68. Corpus – Body
69. Corrigenda – A list of things to be rectified
70. Corpus delicti – The body, i.e. the gist of crime
71. Crimen omnia ex se nata vitiat – Crime vitiates everything, which springs from it