International and Domestic Arbitrations
We offer Clients, assistance, representation and advice, at all stages of the arbitration process. This includes pre-contentious negotiations, the conduct of arbitral proceedings, advocacy at trial, and the challenge and enforcement of arbitral awards.
We also appear before Cyprus Courts, to prosecute or defend applications for interim measures, in support of arbitrations such as injunctions, attachments and orders preserving evidence.
Our Lawyers have handled numerous arbitrations in a variety of different fora including the International Court of Arbitration, of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), the Vienna Arbitration Centre and the Russian International Court of Arbitration (ICCA). We have also conducted numerous ad hoc arbitrations.
Lawyers from our Firm, are authors of various publications and articles about arbitration and mediation and furthermore they serve as members of arbitration tribunals, in numerous multi-jurisdictional and complex disputes.
In presenting and defending claims in arbitration, we draw upon the skills, which we have developed, handling complex business litigation, always mindful of the somewhat, less formal and procedurally different environment of arbitration.

Major Arbitration cases that our Lawyers were involved include:
- Handling on behalf of NOVOKUZNETSK ALUMINIUM PLANT an ad hoc arbitration claim in Cyprus, of USD 50 million.
- Handling on behalf of NOVOKUZNETSK ALUMINIUM PLANT the enforcement in Cyprus of five (5) arbitral awards against a Cyprus Company, amounting to USD 15 millions approximately.
- Assisting GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER (GERMANY) on the handling on behalf of two Cyprus Companies the defence of arbitral claims lodged against them in the Vienna Arbitral Center.
- Assisting CLIFFORD CHANCE (LONDON) on the defence of an arbitral claim lodged with LCIA in London, against the majority shareholders of the Panamean company by the heirs of a deceased minority shareholder (Subject Matter USD 500 millions).
- Handling the defence of an arbitration claim lodged by DAEWOO CORP. with LCIA in London against a telecom company in Ukraine (Subject Matter USD 100 millions).
- Handling the registration and enforcement in Cyprus, under New York Convention, of five LCIA Arbitral Awards issued against a Cyprus Company and in favour of the largest fertilizer company in Russia (Subject Matter USD 40 millions).
- Handling successfully the defence on behalf of two Cyprus Companies against the registration in Cyprus of two arbitral awards issued by Vienna Arbitral Center and ICAC.
- Acting as an arbitrator in a panel of three arbitrators for a claim lodged by a Cyprus Company against a Dutch Company concerning a dispute of USD 100 millions) for a breach of an investment contract relating to one of the major building projects in Moscow.
- Acting as a single arbitrator appointed under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Law for an arbitral claim of USD 10-15 millions.
- Acting on behalf of a Claimant on an arbitration claim before a single arbitrator for a sum of USD 2-3 millions due to a breach of a sale contract for the purchase of a vessel.
- Acting on behalf of an Italian Joint Venture for the enforcement in Cyprus of an ICC Arbitral Award against the Albania Republic for a sum of USD 16 millions.
- Acting as an Arbitrator on a panel of three for a claim of USD 100.000.000.
- Acting as the Claimant’s Lawyer for an LCIA Arbitration for a sum of USD 60.000.000.
- Acting on behalf of numerous claimants in international arbitration cases, filed inter alia before the London Court of International Arbitration, in obtaining in Cyprus freezing injunctions as well as discovery orders in aid and/or in support of the arbitration proceedings.
- Acting on behalf of numerous Respondents, in international arbitration cases, filed inter alia, before the London Court of International Arbitration, in opposing and discharging freezing injunctions and discovery orders obtained in Cyprus, in aid and/or in support of arbitration proceedings.
- Acting on behalf of numerous holders of International arbitration awards, in registering and enforcing same in Cyprus, under the provisions of the New York Convention.
- Acting on behalf of numerous debtors of international arbitral awards, in opposing the registration and enforcement of same, in Cyprus under the provisions of the New York Convention.
- Assisting English lawyers on issues of Cyprus law, in relation to the defense of two LCIA arbitration claims, filed by a Russian Oligarch, concerning rights of ownership in the famous MOSKVA HOTEL (now Four Seasons Hotel) , (claim: USP 2 billions).
- Acting as an expert before an LCIA arbitral tribunal on Cyprus law issues, and preparing and presenting expert reports on inter alia the repudiation of arbitration agreements, enforceability and binding effect of arbitration agreements, on non signatories etc.