Cyprus: Will the proposed amendment in relation to the reduction of Judges in Family Courts solve the real issues that affect the quick adjudication of Family cases?
Due to the increased amount of divorces being filed in Cyprus coupled with the problems of having long delays on the hearings of family cases, the Parliament will discuss the possibility to amend Article 111 of the Constitution in order to reduce the number of judges to sit on the bench of the Family court from three to one. The main goal of this proposed amendment is to spead up the process for the hearing of divorce cases. However the main question that arises is whether the above proposed amendment will in fact change the many problems that exist in Family Courts and generally the Court’s System of Cyprus.
In particular, one needs to question, why delays occur in Family Courts and the answer to this at most times is due to the large amount of postponement requests by the lawyers of the parties which undoubtedly leads to the adjournment of cases. Perhaps this is an issue that needs to be questioned by the Parliament, since delays occur right at the initial stages of the proceedings until the final decision of the Judge.
Possible other suggestions that could improve the main problem of delays could be the possibility to introduce mediation services for family cases as in the United Kingdom. This would also give parties the choice to opt for mediation services and at the same time reduce the work load of the Family Courts.
For further information on this topic please contact
Miss Nada Starovlah ( at SOTERIS PITTAS & CO LLC,
by telephone (+357 25 028460) or by fax (+357 25 028461)
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